Waterville Fisheries Development Group report:

Seatrout spawning has started in earnest on some of the small streams running into Lough Currane. One of the streams up in Glen Mor was described as ‘looking like a JCB had been in there’ such was the extent of the red cutting by big seatrout! These small streams are the prime feeders of our sea trout population and we look after them all on a annual basis helped by our friends from the RSS.

Two of our committee members attended a ‘Small Streams Workshop’ up in Carlingford this last week, hosted by IBIS which is a three year project based in Ireland, Northern Ireland and Western Scotland. The project aim is ‘To assist environmentally sustainable economic development through evidence based management of aquatic resources’.This workshop proved invaluable, giving us a better understanding of our work on our own ‘small streams’ to promote the conservation of the Sea Trout for which this system is famous. Our thanks to Professor Ken Whelan for his kind invitation for us to attend this valuable conference.

Following the release of this year’s 10,500 healthy salmon parr we are looking forward to catching up salmon for next years contingent! We will be netting these within the next week or so, under the strict supervision of the IFI fishery staff and all those members who are interested are most welcome to attend.

Our thanks again to Frank,Jimmy, James and John from the RSS Unit for their help yet again! Thanks also to Inland Fisheries Ireland for providing the aerated transport and to Liam Ellis and Donie O’Shea for their assistance on the day! Special thanks to Tom O’Shea for another fine job at the hatchery in producing such a great stock of fish for the Waterville Fishery this year.

The fish are weighed and counted
The fish are weighed and counted
Then they are transferred to the aerated truck
Then they are transferred to the aerated truck
Then released back into the river, where Neil O'Shea bids them farewell !!
Then released back into the river, where Neil O'Shea bids them farewell !!

Compliments of:

Waterville Fisheries Development Group

Web: www.loughcurrane.com