Skipper of the ‘Leah’, Donal Kennedy reported an excellent start to the season, with his first Charter trip of the year producing some great sport. The party, made up of a group from Dunleer and some from Foxford, departed Killala Harbor at 09.30am on Sunday, 1st April in very favorable conditions, calm seas and overcast with light northerly winds. From the first drift the anglers had success, boating some good cod and ling. This was followed with a successful day, as 15 cod up to 10lbs were boated, several ling up to 8lbs, and pollack up to 9lbs, with many around the 6lbs mark being hooked. Several fine coalfish up to 5lbs were also taken, with many smaller specimens returned. Pouting were in plentiful supply, as were some rather large mackerel and several fine cuckoo wrasse were also caught. For further information on angling in Killala Bay on board the “Leah” contact Donal Kennedy on Tel: +353 (0)96 36644, Mobile: +353(0) 868174509 or Email: [email protected].