Angling for Youth Development (AFYD) Ireland, is a pilot programme being developed at present which aims to introduce young people to angling in a bid to grow the sport in Ireland and promote social responsibility. Its pilot scheme in Waterford continues to go from strength to strength. Inland Fisheries Ireland with the Angling Council of Ireland and other organisations of committed anglers are working together bring angling into the schools and youth clubs of Ireland. GAIA (Game Angling Instructors Association) and FFF ( Federation of Fly Fishers) are both giving free technical consultancy and support to this latest effort focused on opening the world of angling to Irish youths.

Last week, Waterford City students, from St. Paul’s Community College, began their winter programme at Loch Mahon Fishing Lakes, near Adamstown, Co. Wexford. The students, who were awarded their certificates for completing the AFYD Ireland Introductory Programme by Minister Fergus O Dowd last June, are now stepping up to the intermediate game angling level.

AFYD Ireland is actively seeking new locations to pilot its programme and interested Fishing Clubs, Youth Groups and Schools should contact ACI coach coordinator, Der Casey MCI, at [email protected], GAIA Representative Philip Maher at [email protected] or Mark Corps, IFI at [email protected] to find out how they can get involved.

Loch Mahon

Loch Mahon has three spring fed lakes, two lakes are dedicated to fly fishing, both well stocked with quality rainbow and brown trout. The third lake is both bait and fly fishing. Loch Mahon is easily located just outside Adamstown in Co. Wexford.
Tel: (087) 2765664