Following the NCFFI Boat Fishing with Lures Team Qualifiers on the River Erne at Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh on 28/29 Jul & 18/19 Aug 2012. The NCFFI is delighted to announce that it has selected its team to represent Ireland at the World Championships in the Ukraine.
The Team selected to fish the World Championships on the Delta Dnepra, Ukraine, near Odessa, 6/7 October is as follows;

  • Pair One Joe McDermott (Co Longford) & Michael Dalton (Co West Meath)
  • Pair Two Eddie Roofe (Co Fermanagh) & Frankie Roofe (Co Fermanagh)

Frankie Roofe, John Sherian (Steward) and Eddie Roofe
Frankie Roofe, John Sherian (Steward) and Eddie Roofe

Michael Dalton and Joe McDermott.
Michael Dalton and Joe McDermott.

This will be the first time an Ireland team has been selected to fish this event.
The NCFFI has placed a bid with FIPS-ed to host the World Championships for boat fishing with lures in October 2013, when it is planned that the event will be hosted on the River Erne around the town of Enniskillen.
The host nation (Ukraine) has produced a programme for the 2012 event which can be viewed at the following link,
Rules for the event can be viewed at the following link,
Jack Tisdall
NCFFI International Committee