Low water levels are posing a problem right across the country. Fish are showing no interest and frustrated anglers aren’t that keen to venture out. Met Eireann are telling us that rain is predicted for the weekend and should reach the East coast on Friday night. Saturday should see rain spreading across the North and East and most areas getting some downpours. If it doesn’t come soon, I can only suggest that ye do as the Indians did and start a rain dance! And please, please keep dancing because our rivers and lakes need a lot more than a drop or two.

Some seasoned anglers did venture out however and found a bit of variation and change of tactics helped. Jason Nash landed a lovely 7lb salmon on the Bandon which was fairly fresh and probably in the river no more than a week. Trout flies are working best for the grilse. Laune anglers are debating whether there are fish in the river and conditions are wrong or the fish are just scarce. The rain should answer that question and hopefully before the end of the season. Salmon anglers are reminded that as of the 1st of September, the daily bag limit for is now one salmon per day and please note the River Deel is now closed to salmon angling.

Mike Dennehy's superb 22kg specimen albacore tuna caught onboard Kinsale's Silver Dawn is our 'Catch of the Week' winner
Mike Dennehy's superb 22kg specimen albacore tuna caught onboard Kinsale's Silver Dawn is our 'Catch of the Week' winner

The Delphi, Drowes, West Cork and Killarney have little to report this week. The Moy recorded just 133 salmon, while the Currane reported Belgium anglers catching 20 sea trout from juniors up to 5lb over the last couple of days. Ballisodare tells us that fish are still moving in and out on the tides but because of the lack of anglers only 9 salmon were caught although some of these were a respectable 7lb weight.

Trout anglers faired a bit better this week. The hard fighting fish on Lough Ennell are providing some sport for anglers. Michael Flanagan managed to hook 8 fish last week and boated 2. One of them was a cracking 5.40lb trout. Lough Melvin fished well on occasions for sonaghan with some rods reporting good catches while on other days the fish were small and undersized.

The browns at Carton house are crying out for Daddy. These leggy flies are causing the trout to rise together with Minkies and Wooly Buggers. The rainbows are feeding well and are in great condition and the Sheet of Water offers great sport.

Despite high temperatures Monaghan angling guide Peadar O’Brien delivered for his Dutch clients. Jip and Martin Strik managed 12 pike and a couple of jacks. Also doing well is Lough Allua which is approx. 5km from Inchigeelagh village in Cork. Greg Latour reports a fine pike weighing 19lbs and 97cm in length. Unfortunately it was his wife Sigi who caught it….not Greg. Ah well there’s always next time Greg !

Mark Heffernan marks this time of the year by catching massive tope and this year is no exception. His latest is just under 70lbs in weight whereas previous years they weighed 67.5lbs and 53lbs respectably. Following close behind Mark this week we had Maria Corrigan from Kilmore Quay in Wexford with a fabulous 67lb female caught at high water using mackerel bait. Mike Dennehy of Kinsale Charters witnessed the wonderful sight of a large pod of Bluefin tuna bursting, some of them jumping completely clear of the water. He was out on the Silver Dawn last week and had landed superb specimen albacore tuna. One of these tipped the scales at 22kg. This fish caught off the south west coast receives our ‘Catch of the Week’

The Lough Gowna festival proved popular with coarse anglers this week with 75 anglers taking part. Venues were at Killykeen, Corfree, Rosduff and Dernaferst. Derek Buckley, Enniskillen took first place with 101.85kg and Tony Hopkins, Barnsley came second with 96.70.kg.  Regular visitor to Melvin Lodge, Nigel Barnes didn’t go away empty handed. He got himself a cracking net of hybrid and roach and a few well fed tench.

Some competitions to look forward to…

Tight lines,

Nancy Hearne
Catch, Photo, Release

If you have an angling story to share with the Irish Angling Update please send it to [email protected].


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48lb tope from the north east coast
48lb tope from the north east coast. Tope to nearly 70lb have been reported recently...