Pawel Orlow from the Fishmaniak club reports on their competition which was held on Lough Sillan last weekend. The weather was great, quite sunny but windy. Fishing was very good and all of the competitors  used feeder as a fishing method. The heaviest bag was 8.6 kg taken by Tomasz Bartoszko – he got first place, second was Adam Jonik – 5.47 kg and 3rd place was taken by Jarek 4.03kg. After competiiton the lads had a barbaque and awarded trophys to the winners.

Nice Catches at Lough Sillan
A Nice Net of Fish for this Angler at the Fishmaniak Competition on Lough Sillan
Competitors at the Fishmaniak Competition
Presentation at Lough Sillan
Prize Giving at Lough Sillan
Winners Being Presented With Their Awards at Lough Sillan