THE news the Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) are ‘taking the fight to the poachers’ in order to protect wild fish stocks is most welcome.

And fishery protection officers are entering the fray with a new approach to tracking down those who persist in the illegal activity with the use of night vision scopes, thermal imaging equipment, covert cameras and sniffer dogs.

The west of Ireland, and Mayo in particular, is rich in salmon stocks. The world renowned River Moy is one of Europe’s top wild salmon waterways.

The average salmon rod catch on the Moy over the last 10 years was 7,362 with the famous Ridge Pool in Ballina accounting for a staggering 2,660 rod-caught salmon in a single season….

Connaught Telegraph 24/09/2013 Read the article ‘Poachers caught in high-tech net – Crackdown on Wildlife crime’