It is hard to accept that the longest day has come and gone again for another year. It always seems so incredibly unfair that these coming six months shall seem to go by at one third the speed.

The Last Cast – Jarlaith Gallagher

I think I can say that for most of us, the 21st of June can be thought of as the real beginning of our supposed summer. The exams are nearly all over, the kids are more visible and the championship has begun in earnest. It is bright till eleven or twelve and in quite a few households laundry baskets, garments await to be cleansed that bear the optimistic essence of a recent evening barbeque…..

Leitrim Observer 02/07/2013 Read the article ‘Shortening days good for anglers’

Splendid isolation - the joys of angling
Splendid isolation - the joys of angling