WOULD YOU LIKE TO LEARN TO FISH – Goresbridge Anglers Association held their AGM last week and it was decided that if there was young people interested in learning how to fish that they would give them their time over the next few weeks to teach them. This would be for children 10 years and up. It would be fly fishing and the club will supply fishing rods, this is only for those with a keen interest who just never had the opportunity before. Also if there are teenagers or young adults who already know how to fish and would like to try sea fishing the club will arrange a day trip. For further information you can contact Jim Harding at 086 2500404, Willie O’ Neill, Barrow Breeze, Tom O’ Neill, Lower Grange or GRD at 059 9775646 or 087 2601672. Membership for adults is €20 and for under 18’s €10….

Kilkenny People 14/04/2013. Read the article ‘Volunteers needed for Spring Clean’