Lindsey Clarke reports on the salmon angling at River Drowes…
Monday 27th May to Sunday 2nd June 2013
The weather warmed up this week and there was little rainfall. The river dropped as the week progressed. On Monday the gauge was reading 0.60 metres and by Sunday this had dropped to 0.55 metres. The water temperature also increased and by Sunday was reading 11.7ºC. The river fished reasonably well and fish were recorded each day except for Thursday which was a day of bright sunlight all day. Catches were mainly consisted of grilse. Most fish were caught on spinner or worm. Paul McCausland recorded two fish caught on worm & spinner on Tuesday with one of these being released. Brian Hazelton logged a grilse caught on a Cascade fly from Briney’s. Johnny McBrearty registered a grilse caught from the Mill Pool on Friday. On Saturday, Lee Bunting landed a grilse on a Rapala from the Black Hole. On Sunday, Nigel Abrahams accounted for 2 grilse caught below Lennox’s Bridge and young T.J. McDonnell recorded another grilse caught from Lennox’s Bridge.
The forecast for the coming week is for warm settled weather with plenty of sun. Air temperatures have risen to the high teens and low twenty’s and there is little rain expected. This will most likely mean that the Drowes will continue to drop as the week progresses. Still it’s about time we got some warmer, more summery weather.
Lindsey Clarke
IFI Ballyshannon
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