Owenea Fishery from Lindsey Clarke – Monday 3rdto Sunday 9th June 2013.
The river ran at low levels all week except for a small fresh (0.21 metres) on Thursday. The gauge average for the week was low reading 0.11 metres. The week brought hot conditions with air temperatures over 20°C and bright sunshine for most of the week. As a result, there were no visiting rods fishing this week and little to report. Head for the beach people!
Lindsey Clarke
IFI Ballyshannon
Make a booking
For info/bookings etc on the Owenea Fishery –
Tel: 074 9551141. (9am to 1pm April to May & 7am to 1pm June to Sept).
For beat maps and more visit https://www.fishinginireland.info/salmon/north/owenea.htm