Another relatively quiet week on the River Moy, however, following a slight rise in the river on Sunday past, quite a few were caught this. The total recorded catch for the week was just over 180 salmon. On the Moy Fishery just 13 were caught, including two for Stephen Gibson, N.Ireland, whose best was 5lbs. Simon Heenan, also N.Ireland, had one of 4lbs on fly.

There were three recorded on the Cathedral Beat, with Alex McFarland catching and releasing his first ever salmon. Upstream, the Ballina Salmon Anglers’ water yielded just five, yet MountFalcon enjoyed a very good week with 32 recorded. Among those to enjoy success at MountFalcon were John Lowe and Chris Maye, U.K. who had 11 salmon for three days, all on bubble and fly. The Knockmore waters’ had 17 for the week, Armstrong’s and Gannon’s had similar catches, with six recorded at Attymass and ten at Byrne’s Fishery.

Rinanney fished well, especially at the end of the week following the rise, with 38 salmon recorded and there were also several recorded around Foxford town. At Cloongee there were just 6 reported, including one of 4lbs for Killian Le Breton, France caught on a spinner. Lastly there were nine recorded on the East Mayo Anglers’ water, seven of those were released, with Pascal Morvan, France landing two on fly and releasing one.

Anglers are reminded that as of the 1st of September, the daily bag limit for salmon is now one salmon per day and that the River Deel is now closed to anglers.