Ronan Cusack reports that angling on Mask last week could only be described as “hot and cold”. The low air temperatures and relentless northerly winds have kept both angling and fly hatches to a minimum. Winds subsided and temperatures rose a little on Wednesday, which brought a sparse hatch of olives and Campto buzzer in some of the sheltered bays.
Hall’s Angling Centre had a busy week, with anglers enjoying some good sport. James Craig from the UK stayed at Hall’s and he had 6 fish on Sunday, best fish 1.75lbs. Mr Martin from France, also fishing from Hall’s, had a great day on Monday with 8 trout, best fish 3lbs. To book fishing or accommodation at Hall’s, contact David or Helen on 094 9541389 or check
Sean O’Loughlin from Galway had 7 fish to 2lbs for 2 days on Mask last week. Frank Reilly From Headford fished with Stephen Cole on Saturday and they had 6 trout on wets (best fish1.5lbs, all returned). Padraig Kerrigan and Ronan Cusack fished buzzer on Wednesday evening and they had 4 fish (best fish1.75lbs, all returned).
Ballinrobe Anglers chairman Tom Foley, had 2 nice fish on Sunday (best fish 2 lbs, both returned). Tim Hannon from Ballinrobe had 3 fish on small dries on Tuesday afternoon (best fish 3 lbs).
The Kilbride Anglers had their annual weekend away on mask this week. 18 anglers organised a friendly competition among themselves on Saturday. They fished to a 14 inch limit with 10 trout weighed in. The winner was Martin Carney from Dublin with a trout of 2lbs.
The majority of anglers are reporting releasing up to 6 undersize trout for every trout over the legal 13inch limit, which is a similar trend to last year.
Ronan also guides on Mask and can be contacted at 087 2869487 or by email at [email protected]