Eamon Walsh reports that fishing on Corrib in the past week could be described as patchy, with many anglers being left frustrated at seeing plenty of free rising fish but finding it difficult to make contact with them. Many anglers also reported seeing fish splashing at flies with their body or tail and not making an attempt to take the fly properly. Others are coming short to the flies or even missing them completely. Anglers are also commenting on the large numbers of small undersize fish being caught, especially over the shallows. This is a testament to the work being carried out by local fisheries staff, clubs and other stakeholders. Much of the works carried out on enhancing spawning and nursery rivers has been done with the generosity of anglers, through their clubs and the Clydagh Foundation.
Declan Gibbons reported on some good fishing in the Greenfields area. Pat Day, a well-known Headford angler, had 5 fish over 2 outings in the early part of the week on wet mayfly and Octopus patterns. Pat managed 3 fish for over 7lbs on Monday evening. Johnny Moroney from Shannon had 8 trout on Thursday, 6 to wets and 2 on dry fly, all released. Brothers Ray and John Maher from Neanagh, Co. Tipperary had a most enjoyable week dapping at Inismacatreer, with 25 fish, keeping just 5. Ruben Vyncke from Belgium, fishing out of Corrib View Lodge, had a great week fishing with boatman Frank Reilly, bringing over 50 fish to the boat using a mix of buzzer, wet and dry fly fishing. There were two competitions held from Greenfields on Sunday. The Headford and Corrib Anglers held their annual pair’s completion which was won by Eugene Kenny and Gerry Walsh with 5 fish. Mary and Paul Miller were second with 3 fish; Mary also captured the heaviest fish with a fine trout of 1.24kgs. Ennis Anglers mayfly competition recorded 8 fish for 12 rods. Sean O’Loughlin won with 3 fish. It is notable to add that all competitions organised by the Ennis Anglers are run on a 14-inch size limit, an inch more than the statutory 13-inch limit.
Further down the lake the story has been much the same. Ger Lenihan from Cork had 3 lovely fish while fishing buzzer, with his best being over 5lbs. All 3 were released. Tim Rowley and Dick Price fishing the lower lake with Larry McCarty had up to 40 trout for a week on buzzer and dry olives.
At the northern end of the lake Michael Keane reports good fishing around the Carraig shallows and Inisdooras. Michael Waters from Cornamona along with two friends had 5 fish to the dap on a single outing. John Horan & Paul Kelly from Castlebar had 3 trout for 5.5lbs also to the dap. Cathal Mannion and Willie Loftus from Rosmuc had 2 fish for 4lbs while fishing out of Cornamona.
Meanwhile, three anglers from County Down were delighted with their days angling at Castle Kirk, landing 7 pike, the heaviest being 16lbs. All pike were released unharmed.
Tommy Kelly informs us that fishing activity has began to drop off in the Oughterard area in the past week, with many anglers returning home after a disappointing start to the month due in most part to the cold weather and limited fly life. As the week progressed large hatches of mayfly could be seen in many areas, along with olive hatches in the early days of last week.
Stephen Watson, staying at Currarevagh House had an excellent week, catching and releasing up to 50 trout, the best being over 3.5lbs. Tom Stanton from Cork had 13 trout to wet fly, releasing 10. Mike Flaherty and Martin Feerick had 7 fish for 13lbs, returning 6. Brothers Frank and Jeff Goddard also had some fine fishing during the week, bringing 24 fish to wet and dry fly , the best of 2.5lbs.
Mary Miller from Lough Corrib Fly Fishing also got in touch to send on a photo of a beautiful trout caught on Lough Corrib by guest Jim Longmore. Jim was over from England fishing with Paul Miller from Lough Corrib Fly Fishing when he caught this beauty at the end of a day’s fishing out on the lake. They were just about to put the tackle away when Jim noticed a good hatch of Campto buzzer off Kilbeg pier on Lough Corrib. Taking the opportunity Jim fished off the jetty and with his first cast caught a fish of over 3lbs. Then with his very next cast cast he caught this beauty of over 4lbs! What a great end to the day. To book fishing or accommodation check www.loughcorribflyfishing.com

Gary Costelloe from Lakelands Angling Centre, Oughterard, was in touch to report that good hatches of mayfly has seen vast improvements in the fishing , but still cold northerly winds kept temperatures down making anglers work hard for success . Among Lakelands ‘ guests to enjoy their trips were Brian and Anthony Walsh from Dublin, who had 3 nice trout for 4.5lbs on wetfly. John Boland from Clare had 2 trout for 4lbs on dry mayfly. Jonathan Rice from Cork had 2 trout for 3.5 lbs on wetfly, and Ray Burnes from Cork landed 1 fish for 1.5lbs. The Thornton Party had 8 fish over 3 days, with the best fish 3lbs.
For further information on accommodation and boat hire please contact Gary on [email protected] , call 091 552121, or check www.lakelandanglingcentre.com
Tomi Kurman reported that recently he didn’t spend too much time targeting ferox due to the weather, but last week prospects improved, with calmer conditions. Lucky guest John Paul Breakers from Cork made the most of the weather window, with his new personal best trout, a fine fish of 12lbs 3oz. In recent days Tomi has been targeting smaller trout on micro lures and light tackle, landing some superb conditioned trout up to 7.5lbs, with most averaging between 4-5 lbs. Tomi also reports that pike are finally back after the spawning season, with some very good fish showing recently.

To book fishing with Tomi or his fellow guide Jack from the Predator Team Guides, contact Tomi on 085 7318541 or check www.facebook.com/tomi.guidedfishing or get Jack on 085 7741578 or see www.fishingireland.pl
Inland Fisheries Ireland would like to take this opportunity once again to remind anglers that fisheries officers are continually carrying out checks and patrols around Corrib, Mask and Carra lakes to ensure that local bye-laws and regulations are being adhered to.
Anglers should be mindful that since 2008 it is illegal to be in possession of any trout under 33cm (13 inches) and that there is a daily bag limit of 4 brown trout per angler per day.