Gormanston and District Anglers club, based in Balrothery are trying to promote membership in their club. After their recent AGM, it was decided by the members to drop the club “join in fee” for new senior members to make the club more attractive for anglers to join. These means that there will be no initial joining fee for new senior members…
North County Leader, 10/02/14. Read the full article ‘Local Angling Club Seeks Members‘.
More about Gormanston & District Anglers Club
Gormanston & District Anglers Club is Dublin’s largest all year fishery. Primarily promoting fly fishing. The club is based in the village of Balrothery, South of Balbriggan in North County Dublin. We control the rights to both the Wavin Lake which is an all year fishery containing rainbow trout and the Delvin River which contains brown trout and sea trout.
Web: Gormanstown and District Anglers