What an amazing couple of weeks we have just had. Up until last Saturday we have had no rain for seventeen days. I would not be aware of this statistic, but for a very simple everyday task as going to the post office.

I was waiting in line and it was very busy. The queue was literally creating a spiral within the small confines of the office. The man behind me told the queue that it had not rained in 17 days and that it was “Shocking”. Nobody said anything. As I was directly beside this man, all eyes took me to be the orators’ friend. I did not know him. However with all eyes on me I just said “The rain hasn’t gone away you know, its just we wear more rain resistant clothing these days”. It was an innocent statement but it sparked off an interesting conversation. A bit part of the conversation dwelt on the subject ‘Mayfly is up on Lough Arrow” A fantastic reason for going to the Post Office. The Mayfly is up!…

Leitrim Observer 13/05/2014 Read the article ‘Ollie wins Shannon Tackle Event

Leitrim Observer photo - Shannon tackle Event
Leitrim Observer photo – Shannon tackle Event