ACCORDING to the great Millstreet poet, Francis Duggan, ‘Doctors differ and patients die, that’s a fact and facts don’t lie’ – which might be true in the case of the medical doctors who advise Dr Death, our Minister for Health, but not for Simon Coveney, our Minister for the Marine.

The latter has recourse to doctors of science and, with their help, he’s pushing a contentious strategy to convince the nation that BIM’s multi-million euro salmon farm for Galway Bay is the real deal.

Fishermen in West Cork don’t buy into his plan, nor does Inland Fisheries Ireland, which warns of the damage sea lice (a scourge associated with salmon farms) can do to wild fish, native habitats, freshwater quality and the €700m angling industry.<Inevitably, Coveney now finds himself entangled in a controversy that has drawn in the EU Environment Commission. It has opened an investigation into the Coveney / BIM project….

The Southern Star 06/03/2014 Read the article ‘Pushing a contentious fish farming strategy