Angling Ghillie Vincent Appleby reports on the salmon and sea trout fishing in the past week on Lough Currane from his blog at
25/4/14 Lough Currane produced a fine 8 lbs Hatchery Salmon today, caught on the troll by Local ghillie Mr. Bob Priestley and when I asked, any chance of a photo, Bob replied in the freezer, in other words a frozen Asset. Now to catch of the day and that goes to Mr. Barry Martin of Cork, and for good reason he caught a cracker of a Sea Trout of 8 ½ lb. on the troll, while fishing with his good friend Mr. Gerry O’Sullivan also of Cork and just for the record, Barry has fished the Waterville Fishery all his life so its not surprising he came up trumps, even I can remember Barry holding the boat at the point of Grassy Island, for his cousin David in the Early seventy’s. Staying in the reminiscing department I was fishing with Mr. Tommy O’Sullivan of Beenbane Waterville and London, and his late Father Mr. Tom O’Sullivan was one of the great Gillie’s of the Waterville Fishery and as Tommy said to me, that his father was the greatest fly fishermen that the Waterville fishery has ever seen, well I will second that, because as a child I witnessed Tom catch many a Salmon on the River Inny and Lough Currane. And also Tommy was my ghillie in the early seventy’s and caught me many a Salmon, nothing like old times. Wind ESE light and fresh to strong this afternoon, reasonable cloud cover this morning heavy cloud in the afternoon followed by heavy rain this evening.

26/4/14 Lough Currane was on the wild side with a strong gusty NW wind blowing with heavy showers, but with all that some boats did venture out, but alas they failed to entice my Noble Game Fish in all departments. Wind as already stated, amount of rain fall yesterday 18.8 mm.
27/4/14 There was one fine Salmon caught on the troll in the 9 lb. class, by Mr. Michael Shultz of Berlin, Germany, while fishing with his ghillie Mr. Neil O’Shea of Wind North light with reasonable cloud cover. Just for the record will put photo up as soon as I get it, reason being I was on the road and missed the photo shoot, sorry for this.

28/4/14 Mr. Michael Shultz Of Berlin, Germany, again takes all the head lines on Lough Currane in the wild Atlantic Salmon department, with a fine 9 lbs Salmon caught on the troll, while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Neil O’Shea of and yes, I didn’t fail in the paparazzi department. Wind S light to fresh with bright sunshine all day.

29/4/14 Lough Currane was on the quiet side in my noble Salmon department, but the same couldn’t be said in the specimen Sea Trout department, Mr. Joseph Whelan of Limerick caught a cracker of a specimen Sea Trout on the troll, weighing in just under 7 lb. while fishing with his gillie Mr. Terence Wharton Jnr. Now for Joseph’s quote of the day, as Terence netted his noble Sea trout, he said, now that was worth the trip down. Wind SE light with reasonable cloud cover.
30/4/14 All quiet in the catching department, so we will head for the catch and lost department, renowned local Gillie Mr. Vincent O’Sullivan of reported that he and his client, lost a Salmon in the 9 lb. class in the fly department, at least they saw a bit of action in the carbon fiber bending department. Local Gillie Mr. John Murphy and his client were heading out on Lough Currane this evening, his client requested that I hold the press until they returned from their evening session, will do, he did give some upper lakes news, He reported to me that he was fishing on Cloonaghlin earlier today and he caught a few nice Brown Trout. Wind SW light to fresh with good cloud cover with the odd bit of sunshine breaking through, followed with the odd light misty shower.
Vincent Appleby
Eureka Lodge
Caherdaniel West,
Co. Kerry.
Telephone: +353 (0)66 9475248
E-mail: [email protected]