Ghillie Vincent Appleby reports on the salmon and sea trout fishing in the past week on Lough Currane from his blog at
7/8/14 Lough Currane was on the quiet side, having said that local Angler Mr. Michael Clifford of the UK and Waterville caught one junior to his rod, while fishing with his ghillie Mr. Mike O’Dwyer and for the rest of the angling community the least said the soonest mended. Just for the record, all the angling eyes will be on Lough Currane tomorrow and for good reason, the Lough Currane Championship 2014 where our Annual Sea trout Catch and Release Fly Fishing Competition starts!
8/8/14 The Lough Currane Fly Championship 2014! got well underway today but it was hard going but at least they saw some action. Now to the regular angling News, there isn’t any, either they failed to catch my Noble game fish or they failed to let their fingers do the talking and talking of failing to report, I was listening into some of the Anglers this morning and they were saying they were picking up a few Trout on the evening shift. Wind NW then veered SW this evening, light to calm this morning then light to fresh for the rest of the day 9/8/14 All eyes were on the Lough Currane Fly Championship 2014! Today and as always there is only one winner and that accolade goes to Mr. John Hallstead of Dingle, and he is no stranger in the winning of this competition. Just for the record I will put all results up once put up all the facts and results up on their website, reason being, it’s their competition and they should take centre stage. Now to the Party and I can say without any fear of contradiction that the Landlord of the Waterville Inn Mr. Damian Duff and his good wife Sally, put on a fantastic dinner party and the food was à la Carte, so on behalf of all the anglers once again a big thank you to you both and all your staff for a great night. 10/8/14 Straight to today’s facts, Mr. Peter O’Donnell of Hull, while fishing with his gillie Mr. Neil O’ Shea of caught 6 Sea Trout ranging from Junior Class up to 3 ½ lbs. and there were a few boats manipulating and I am sure some of them caught the odd Sea Trout, but sadly they weren’t manipulating their fingers at the end of their day. Now I go as promised for yesterday’s results on the Lough Currane Fly Championship 2014.

“The Lough Currane Championship 2014 held this weekend, Friday 8th and Saturday 9th August, was fished by 22 competitors in very hot and challenging conditions. The winner this year was John Hallstead, a regular participant and a previous winner! He caught two good Sea Trout, including one over 5 lb. which won him, not only the Ernest Appleby cup for the longest fish but a voucher for €1000 worth of fishing tackle courtesy of John Buckley’s Emerger Tackle. The competition was followed by a lively dinner evening at the Waterville Inn. Altogether another very enjoyable event! The Committee extended thanks to Derek Evans, angling correspondent for the Irish Times, who kindly agreed, once again to present the prizes, to Damien Duff and his staff at the Waterville Inn for an excellent meal, to Vincent Appleby for once again photographing and donating the excellent framed photos of the event and last but not least to our hard working secretary and his fellow committee members, who helped to ensure the event ran so smoothly.”

11/8/14 just the odd Junior was caught. Wind as already stated with heavy showers.
12/8/14 My Noble Game fish were in a lethargic mood and my Noble Anglers weren’t far behind them, but to be fair to Lough Currane and the Waterville Fishery, what we need is a good flood to perk up the Game Fish as well as the anglers. Wind NW Fresh with showers.
13/8/14 There was a good NW wind blowing with heavy showers throughout the day and there was very little action in both departments, but at least one angler did see his fly line nearly go into the backing and that was Mr. Wim Woermeij of Holland, who caught one Trout on the drift, while fishing with his Gillie Nr. Neil O’Shea of
Vincent Appleby
Eureka Lodge Caherdaniel West, Co. Kerry.
Telephone: +353 (0)66 9475248
E-mail: [email protected]