Billy Downes of the Laune Salmon and Trout Anglers’ Association reports that as of

As of Monday 24th August the water level is now static at 1m at the Laune Bridge or about 1 feet 6 inches at Johnston’s. Still lovely water for all methods.

We had hoped that the past week would be good, with nice water and no draft nets but it was a disappointment.  Members who know the water very well and can time their fishing to suit the tides blanked most times.

Kevin Collins fishing on Saturday caught and released this 10lb hen salmon

That said a few did manage to meet fish and indeed some manage to meet a fish or two and return them.  Kieran Conlon continues to winkle one out and Kevin Collins fishing with Kieran on Saturday last landed and returned an autumn beauty of 10 lbs at Heffernan’s to continue her journey to spawn.  On Friday Jerome Dowling caught and released a nice fresh fish of 4.5 lbs at Paul Connors. Most other anglers found it hard to see a fish but a few were seeing running.


Thomas Ward landed two beautiful fish from beat 3 on Thursday evening but most other anglers did not even see a fish.

Hoped it would be better but we live in hope that a few fresh will run into the river over the next six weeks.

Billy Downes,  Secretary
Laune Salmon and Trout Anglers’ Association

Go fishing…

Day permits will cost €35 for the months of August and September.  Be sure to display your permit on the dash of your car with the date visible and have the other part with you because you will be asked by members to identify yourself as a legitimate ‘One Day Member’ / Permit Holder.

Facebook: Facebook Laune Anglers
Email: [email protected]

Reminder: Start time on Beat 3 is 8am and not before that.
Trout fishing on all Laune Anglers waters and on Beat 3 is by fly only on single handed rods with trout flies.  (No worms allowed for trout fishing)

More about the Laune…