John Fleming, skipper of the Brazen Hussy II in Galway, has been producing fine fishing lately for clients. Last week they had their best blue shark yet, a fine fish estimated at 109lbs caught by David O’Malley which measured over 2 metres long. This is a specimen fish which will be entered for a specimen fish award. Well done to David and John!

A fine specimen blue shark estimated at 109lbs caught by David O'Malley (left) aboard the Brazen Hussy II in Galway Bay recently.
A fine specimen blue shark estimated at 109lbs caught by David O’Malley (left) aboard the Brazen Hussy II in Galway Bay recently.

John’s anglers have also been enjoying good mixed species fishing lately, including some nie spurdogs caught in late September.

A nice spurdog caught aboard the Brazen Hussy II in Galway Bay
A nice spurdog caught aboard the Brazen Hussy II in Galway Bay