Eamonn Conway reports that fishing on the local lakes in the Tain area this time of year can be good. The lack of good weather is keeping the algae at bay and making fishing conditions good. My method of choice on this day was fishing wet fly on a di 3 because of the good wave, my flies of choice were green and yellow mayflies and a Peter Ross dabbler. The reason for these flies was that there was mayfly present on the lake and also it is coming close to perch fry time. I had four trout to the boat for my afternoon, they were a bit on the small side but all welcome and safely returned. It was a bit cold for dry-flies on the day, there were no trout rising at all so I stuck to the wets.
Tight lines eamonn c
Eamonn Conway is one of the country’s top angling guides and a qualified APGAI Ireland Fly Casting Instructor. If you fancy a days guided fishing with Eamonn why not drop him an email at [email protected] or give him a call at 086 1242966.
Additional information can be found on Eamonns’ website at www.tainflyfishing.com