The very strong winds lately have been well noted and curtailed some early season trout angling on the roughest days. However, Peter Cunningham and John Baker were keeping an eye out for a window of opportunity on Lough Sheelin recently and finally got one. In fact it turned out to be flat calm on occasions. Peter and John described the fishing as tough and challenging but still landed three fish the best of which weighed in at just over three pounds. According to the lads the fish were in really fantastic condition and all gave a great fight. Minkies and nymphs took the fish which were all carefully released back to Lough Sheelin to fight another day.
If you fancy a days guided river or lake fishing why not contact Peter at 086 4682516 or [email protected]

Peter Cunningham With A Nice Plump Sheelin Toout
Peter Cunningham With A Nice Plump Lough Sheelin Trout

Peter Returns a Trout Carefully to the Lake
Peter Returns a Trout Carefully to the Lake

John Baker Just Happy to be Out on Sheelin Again
John Baker Just Happy to be Out on Sheelin Again

A Flat Calm Day Amid All of the Storms
A Flat Calm Day Amid All of the Storms