Lough Muckno reports on it’s first Winter Open match:
Undeterred by the fierce overnight frosts 20 hardy competitors lined out for the first of our open matches with the chill November morning promising to leave bites at a premium.
And so it turned out to be, on frost lined Black Island where it was hoped that deeper water might yield more fish and not on the advice of a recent post where it was suggested that deeper water should be chosen for a very spurious match that was being organised on the Lough by the well known and possibly the top Irish angler.
Deep it was but full of fish it wasent with most competitors having to chop and change to keep small numbers of fish coming.
In the end however at 4pm, some decent catches were brought to the net, headed by the ever consistent feeder star Brenton Sweeney tipping the scales and winning the match with 7.390kgs, a weight which included some nice skimmers.
Hard man to beat on this venue Alan larkin stuck in there for a strong second place on just over 5kgs , a great weight of small fish given the conditions.
Alan just held off the in form Finnian Feeney, just grammes behind and returned from his holidays in 4th place was venue specialist and quiet man Rory O’ Neill with just under 4kgs.
True as always to our payout system, top 4 were paid out and the only other prize winner was in form, recent Festival winner, Seamus Winters by winning section C with over 3kgs also.
Next match in this series will be held on Lough Muckno on Sunday 20th November 2016 so please book early, to avoid dissapointment.
The whole series extends to 8 open matches, 4 prior to christmas and 4 after in forthnightly rotations.
The match prior to Christmas on the 18th of December will double up as a Lough Muckno club Fur and feather match, where all competitors are additionally asked to bring a wrapped christmas present so everyone can take home a prize on that date.
By the way the prizes will be fished for and a second one will be required ,if by any chance it is intended to present a prize to the organisers.