Farmers’ actions play a key role in maintaining and managing existing natural habitats while there are opportunities to create new habitats on beef farms according to Teagasc.

  1. Leave A Whitehorn Tree In Every Hedge

    This provides pollen for the bees and other insects and haws as food for the birds.

  2. Allow Routinely Trimmed Hedgerows Grow Taller

    Birds nest in hedgerows over 1.4m high which provide cover from predators. A mixture of hedgerows that are routinely trimmed and ones that are allowed grow is preferable.

  3. Clean Watercourses In An Environmentally Friendly Way

    When cleaning a channel, just remove vegetation and silt and spread thinly along the bank. Leave stone and gravel undisturbed and retain bank slopes in tact with a margin of vegetation…, 16/07/16. read the full article ‘10 ways to boost a beef farm’s natural biodiversity‘.

10 ways to boost a beef farm’s natural biodiversity 10 ways to boost a beef farm’s natural biodiversity