Terrance Gallagher has all the news from Costello and Fermoyle…

04/08/16 to 11/08/16

Strong gusts and gales meant rod pressure was low over the last week but those who did make it out not disappointed.

Pete Westwater returned for a second day on Glenicmurrin Lough and clocked up an impressive 25 sea trout. First time visitors Frank and Oisin O’Reilly were very impressed with their day on Glenicmurrin after they landed 29 sea trout to 2lbs and rose numerous others. Brothers Padhraic & Peter McDonagh opted for the holding pools on River Beat 3, a smart choice, as they recorded 17 sea trout to 2lbs 8ozs. Finally, regular Rene Lachemaer, was back on Glenicmurrin and was very pleased with the 13 sea trout he landed including a smashing fish of 3lbs,

For further information and bookings on Costello and Fermoyle, please contact Terry Gallagher at 087 23 999 88 or email: [email protected]