Peter Aspinwall is excited for the next 8 weeks of his fishing season, a period he consider to be the absolute highlight of the anging year…

These spring tides are the start of “Proper bass fishing” for me and the eight weeks after them. I had a good afternoon’s fishing out in the bay with John Lunn and his son Conall. No whoppers but plenty of action.

Conall with two of the fifteen bass caught yesterday
Conall with two of the fifteen bass caught yesterday

Last week I started my fishing with a nice fish of 7lb or so at Dunmore on a soft plastic. Time to fish your socks off.

Peter Aspinwall
Clonakilty Bass Guide

Go fishing…

To go fishing with Peter call him on +353 (0)86 849 2993

Peter got the ball rolling with a bass of about 7lb last week