Glen Wightman tells us that after a poor month of bass fishing in March he was desperate to catch some bass. He headed out to a mark that generally produces a good few bass in April and May. The mark didn’t disappoint as he landed a 54cm bass on a small plug shortly after arriving. Things slowed down after the initial fish so he moved a few hundred meters north to a shallow sandy spot with several large patches of weed. A few casts later as he was brings the lure past one of the weedy patches he got an almighty take.

The rod bent deep and the drag started screaming. He knew he had a special fish. An epic battle ensued with the fish making numerous runs. He was absolutely stunned when he eventually landed the 87cm bass, as he knew this was a fish of a lifetime. After few quick photos taken with the help of locals who had gathered to watch the battle the fish was tagged and released.
National Bass Tagging Programme
If you catch a bass with a yellow tag, please don’t remove the tag. Note the code on the tag (e.g. B-00001). If possible take a length and weight of the fish, and five scales from behind the pectoral fin (see link below for more details). Please then release the fish alive! Send us the details, along with the date and location and your name and phone number to [email protected].
Find out more about the National Bass Tagging Programme