The National Coarse Fishing Federation of Ireland (NCFFI) has officially launched the World Youth Angling Championships in Coachford, Co. Cork. The Championships will take place in Coachford from the 8th-13th of August 2017.
The event is the largest in the Fédération Internationale de la Pêche Sportive en Eau Douce World Championship Angling Calendar with over 20 nations expected to present youth teams in the Under 15, Under 20 and Under 25 categories. The Championships will be staged on the Inniscarra Reservoir and the Coachford Greenway, a 2.8km linear park in the form of a walkway.

The World Feeder Fishing Championships was held at the same location in 2014 and since then, the number of anglers visiting the region has increased. The National Coarse Fishing Federation of Ireland estimates that this youth championship will bring a further 5,000+ bed nights to the region.

The championship is sponsored by Inland Fisheries Ireland and other partners including ESB, Cork County Council, Fáílte Ireland, the Cork Convention Bureau and Inniscarra Lake Tourism Development Ltd.
For more information on the World Youth Angling Championships, visit .