The 2017 Canoeing Ireland Club Championships were held in Clonmel on the 8th & 9th April with clubs from across the country battling it out on the River Suir.

Participants line up at the National Club Canoeing Championships held in Clonmel.
Participants line up at the Canoeing Ireland Club Championships held in Clonmel.

Inland Fisheries Ireland staff were on hand to offer support at the event  by managing the disinfecting of canoes entering the river to ensure that no invasive aquatic species could be transferred from another water body into the Suir.

Competitors in action at the Canoeing Ireland Club Championships.
Competitors in action at the Canoeing Ireland Club Championships.

As canoes, kayaks and boats are all potential transmitters of aquatic invasive species, all users are encouraged to undertake disinfecting practice before entering the water to help maintain the health of our rivers and lakes.

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