Declan gibbons gives his weekly report on the angling activity on Lough Corrib…
Anglers have experienced mixed fortunes; some good fishing reported in different areas of the lake,olive hatches consistent and reports of sparse hatches of mayfly in localised areas. Some notable size trout were caught but in general angling activity is slow.
In the Cornamona area The Cornamona & District Anglers held their Wet fly Competition on Sunday last with thirty anglers participating, with ten anglers accounting for seventeen fish for 16.55kg.
- 1st place went to Moycullen man Mike Keady with 4 fish for 4.91kg.
- 2nd place went to Cornamona man Tom Doc Sullivan with 4 fish for 4.11kg.
- 3rd place went to Oughterard man Martin butler with 2 fish for 2.84kg.
Heaviest Fish went to the winner Mike Keady with a fish of 1.76Kg.
Staying in the Cornamona area Richard Molloy of Ballard Shore Boat Hire & Self Catering (087-2879339) reports of a quieter week gone by and tells us the TJ Carroll from Westport enjoyed a days fishing on Thursday last with his best fish being two and a half pounds on wets.
Annual Charity Catch & Release Competition
On Sunday next the 30th of April The Cornamona & District Anglers will be hosting The Annual Charity Catch & Release Competition. All the proceeds going to a local worthy charity The Galway Hospice. For further details contact club secretary Eamon Gavin on 087-7785713.

Larry McCarthy ( ) of Corrib View Lodge, Glencorrib reports of a mixture of good and bad fishing days due to temperature changes. Larry guided Malcom Patrick from the UK for six days and they had 22 trout to the boat some on buzzer and the majority on dry olives.

Last Saturday & Sunday being the best days accounting for 15 trout all on size 14 dry olives. Pat Gallagher from Meath also stayed at the lodge and on Thursday last enjoyed a good days fishing and good sport on deep buzzer landing 4 fish with an average of 3lbs.
In the Greenfields area The Garda Angling Club hosted the Paul Reid Memorial Cup on Thursday & Friday last with 31 anglers participating, Fishing was tough in the area with seven fish got on day 1 and eight fish on day 2.
- 1st was Bob Bradley with three fish for 6.13lbs.
- 2nd was Aidan Kelly with two fish for 6.11lbs.
- 3rd was Dessie McEntee with one fish 3.12lbs.
Heaviest Fish went to Aidan Kelly with a fish of 4.10lbs

Also in the Greenfields area Loughrea Father & Son Duo Robert & Ciaran Reilly on Sunday last had three fish to the boat.

Staying in the Greenfields area The Headford & Corrib Anglers hosted The Andrew Egan Memorial Cup with nine anglers participating on Sunday last. Conditions were tough and the angling was also challenging in the area with only two fish weighed in.
- 1st place went to Paul Lambert from Cross with one fish .94kg,
- 2nd place went to Club Chairman and Son of the late Andrew Egan with one fish weighing .92kg.
Ted Wherry from Mayfly Lodge Ballynalty Bay (087-4305957) reports of good hatches in the area and fishing challenging at times and on Thursday last Ted guided Richard Robinson who landed two fish on dry olives with one fish being 2Lbs & the other 3.7lbs.

In the Oughterard area Basil Shields of Ardnasillagh Lodge (091-552550) reports of some excellent fish being caught primarily on buzzer for the week gone by. Pat Connor had 4 fish on buzzer for just over 20Lbs. On Friday last Peter Boyle had two fish for 9lbs. Steven McGarvey had one excellent fish on buzzer on Saturday 8.9lbs.
Bill Church had one excellent fish on Sunday last for 7lbs and also on Sunday Steve Sutton had one fish for three and a half pounds and Martin Church had two fish with the best being three and a quarter pounds. On Tuesday last Derek Rooney had three fish with the best fish being three and a half pounds. Staying in the Oughterard area Kevin Molloy

In the Cong area David Ryan from Ryans River Lodge B&B Fishing & Shooting ( [email protected] or 086-3170081) was on to us and reports of an excellent fish of 19lbs 1oz which he caught trolling and sportingly released on Sunday evening last. Phillip Comber from Old Stone Barn self catering ( 086-2786301 ) recently enjoyed two evenings dry buzzer fishing and had two each evening with the best fish three and a half pounds all sportingly returned back into Lough Corrib.

In the Annaghdown Saturday last Anglers John Trench Galway and Billy Kavanagh Cork enjoyed a days fishing and had three trout to the boat on Buzzer in the area.
On Sunday last Padraig Fahy and Patrick Molloy enjoyed a good days fishing with five fish to the boat and Padraig landing a super fish of six and a half pounds.