Osgur Grieve reports on the latest from the Erriff Fishery.

13th – 19th September.

We have had 11 salmon during this period. On Thursday 13th Paddy Donegan had a 3.75lbs grilse from Wanklyn’s Dam on Beat 7 using a Red Butt Cascade. A short while later Donal Chambers released a 4lbs grilse from the Upper Sally pool on Beat 7 using a Black Pennell.

Friday 14th Stuart Woodhead fished Beat 3 in the morning and released a 4.5lbs grilse from Mike’s pools and lost another using a Willie Gunn. Paddy Donegan was back into action releasing 2 grilse of 4.5lbs and 6lbs from the Sally pool and Mickey’s Run on Beat 7 using a Posh Tosh conehead, and Donal Chambers released a 4lbs grilse also from Mickey’s Run on Beat 7 using a Collie Dog.

Saturday 15th saw Paddy Donegan into action again, this time releasing a 7lbs salmon from School House Run on Beat 3 using a Willie Gunn tube, this brought Paddy’s total for his week’s fishing to 4 salmon.

Regular angler Jasper Matthews returned on Sunday 16th to fish Beat 4 in the morning and had a 2lbs grilse from the Bog using a gold shrimp. Another regular Kevin Attride fished Beat 6 that morning and had a 2.5lbs grilse from Nee’s pool on a Foxford shrimp and lost another at the net.

Sam McMannamon fished on Tuesday 18th and released a 3lbs grilse from Glenacally on Beat 5 using a Cascade and regular visitor Gael Kerschbaumer released a 2lbs grilse from below Gowlaun on Beat 3 using a black and red shrimp. Wednesday 19th saw the arrival of Storm Ali, this brought with it a big dirty flood which made the river unfishable.

There were 17 sea trout caught and released during this period ranging in weight from 0.5lbs – 1.5lbs from Beat 1 down to 9, the flies that accounted for the most sea trout were the Collie Dog and Black Pennell. If you would like to book some fishing before the 2018 season comes to a close give the fishery office a call on (095) 42382 or email [email protected]


A big flood on Beat 8 after Storm Ali
A big flood on Beat 8 after Storm Ali

Go Fishing

The Erriff is a spate river draining beautiful mountain scenery and entering the sea at Killary Harbour, near Leenane. The river is split into 9 beats, and is flyfishing only for the most part. The river provides quality fishing for salmon and sea trout in spectacular surroundings. There is also lake fishing available on Tawnyard Lough, on one of the tributaries, providing sea trout fishing from July to September.

If you wish to book fishing please call the fishery office on (095) 42382 or email us at [email protected]