September 1st – 12th.

We have had 20 salmon landed over this period. The beginning of September was relatively quiet with a couple of rods fishing everyday and catches reflected this with 4 salmon landed between the 1st and 7th. Regular angler John Phelan had 2 grilse of 6lbs. and 3.9lbs from the lower and middle garden pool on the afternoon of the 4th. John was into action again on the morning of the 5th releasing a wild grilse of 3lbs. from the middle garden pool.

River Erriff
Sally Pool upper and sally bush

On Friday 7th visiting angler Paul Chew fished with us and released a 7lbs. wild salmon from the broken bridge pool on beat 5 using a fly called the wheat sheav. We had a nice rise in water levels over Saturday night leaving the river at 1.36m on the morning of Sunday 9th. This flood livened up the fishing and we had 5 salmon landed for the day. First into action was regular visitor Jean-Francoise Calvar who had a 3lbs. grilse from glencally on beat 5 using his ‘little black fly’ that he uses to great effect every year. Then it was regular angler Albert Caffrey’s turn who landed a 2.7lbs grilse from black banks on beat 6 using a Willie gunn. Jim Stafford and Arthur Muckian followed this up with an 8lbs. salmon each from Dog pool on beat 2 within a few minutes of each other, these fish came to a Stoat’s tail and Claret shrimp.

Monday 10th Michael Adamson released a fresh wild grilse of 3lbs. from the middle garden pool using a foxford shrimp. Later that evening Jean-Jacque Calvar landed a 5lbs. grilse from above the rapids on beat 8 using a Collie dog. Tuesday 11th the Matthews brothers Lewis and Jasper fished the morning with us and had 3 grilse between them 4lbs. 4.5lbs and 6lbs., two of these came from Mickey’s run and the other from the tail of white rock run on a Cascade and Gold shrimp. Visiting angler Mark Murphy fished beat 6 that morning and landed a 3lbs. grilse  from Colonel’s run on beat 6 using a Collie dog. Jim Stafford returned and had 2 grilse also from beat 7 at the Sally bush weighing 3lbs. and 3.7lbs. both on a Cascade. Jean-pierre Leroy (part of the Calvar group) released a wild grilse of 5lbs from the tawnyard potholes on beat 3 using a yellow shrimp.

Wednesday 12th Jean-Jacque Calvar landed a 5.5lbs. grilse from the Boat pool on beat 5 using his ”little black fly”. Visiting angler Kieran Murphy released a 2.5lbs. wild grilse from the school house on beat 3 and Arthur Muckian released a 5lbs. wild grilse from the Mering pool on beat 7 on a Curry’s red shrimp. Interestingly these last 3 fish were all caught within 15 minutes of each other and from different parts of the river. If you would like a last chance of catching a salmon before the 2018 season finishes give the fishery office a call on (095) 42382 or email [email protected]