Bill Thornton reports from Ballina…
Although rain was forecast mid-week it did not materialise but angling conditions did improve with a drop in temperature and plenty of cloud cover. Just over 300 salmon were caught with all fisheries across the system reporting good catches.

In Ballina the Moy Fishery had 49 salmon with the Ridge Pool, Weir Pool and Cathedral beat fishing well. Among the lucky anglers this week were,
- Rudolf Schweissthal, Germany, 8.75 lbs on fly- Ridge Pool,
- Tony Bennett, UK, 4 lbs on fly – Ridge Pool, his first salmon,
- John McKinley, Athlone, 5 salmon, 2 released on fly – Weir Pool,
- Eddie Manthorpe, NI, 4.5 lbs on fly released – Cathedral beat,
- Garrett Ruigrok,Dublin, 3 salmon on fly, all released – Cathedral beat.

Upstream Michael English UK. 6.8 lbs on Bubble and fly – Mount Falcon Fishery, Wayne Carberry Longford 4+lbs on prawn – Coolcronan Fishery. Gilies Boudier France 13 lbs on spinner – Armstrongs Fishery, Martin Cap Party of 5 from the UK, 14 salmon for week, best 11 lbs – Foxford Fishery . Bernhard Schadner Germany 1 fish, his first Moy salmon – Foxford Salmon Anglers. Joel Guillou France 7.5 lbs on spinner – Cloongee Fishery.

With conditions continuing much the same as last week and a good show of fish moving through Ballina, prospects are good for the week.
How’s the river doing? Check the Ridge Pool Webcam
For more about the River Moy and its fisheries, including prices and maps see –