David Edwards, skipper of charter boat Tigger, reports on the shark fishing locally…

Fishing has been steady out of Clonakilty in recent weeks with a few decent Cod showing on most inshore trips along with Pollack into double figures. Mackerel seem to be making a comeback after an almost total absence last season.

blue shark blue shark blue shark blue shark

Offshore sharking is showing fewer fish than last year but size is making up for lack of numbers. Our lowest count was 2 and best 19 so it does vary.

porbeagle shark
A beautiful porbeagle about to be released

A few Porbeagle have shown but nothing over 60lb so far.

Tadgh standing on right with Tim McCarthy in middle (,me on left) all from Shannonvale. Clonakilty
Tadgh standing on right with Tim McCarthy in middle (,me on left) all from Shannonvale. Clonakilty

Blues over Irish Specimen size have been landed a few times and I think our standout performance has to be by Tadgh O’Reilly from Shannonvale who at the age of 71 landed his first ever shark and was a specimen length and weighed approx 115 lb

Well done Tadgh!

David Edwards
Clonakilty Coastal and Deep Sea Charters

Go fishing…

Tigger is a purpose built Procharter 31 angling boat, powered by a 330HP diesel engine and equipped with all necessary safety equipment. Reef and ground drift fishing is generally the most productive method with the potential to catch in excess of 20 species if you adapt your lures and baits accordingly. From mid June through to October it’s usually possible to target the blue shark fishing that is predominatly between 10-15 miles off the estuary.  All sharks are released and recent seasons have seen larger species such as mako and threshers being sighted more frequently, so who knows what will come in 2014…
Web: www.irelandseaangling.com