Inland Fisheries Ireland wish to advise that it has placed a request for tender on the e-tenders website today.

IFI wishes to engage the services of a provider/s who will design, deliver and report on a range of courses for angling coaches and novice anglers. The appointment is being made by a process of competitive tender using the Open Procedure.

The provider/s will facilitate all aspects of the development of a comprehensive novice angling activation programme for all angling disciplines across all categories – game, pike, coarse and sea.  This will be achieved by ensuring appropriate training courses (approved by Coaching Ireland or equivalent recognised in Ireland) for coaches and anglers.  Additionally, it will include organisational governance training for voluntary clubs/organisations and compliance with Children First requirements etc. The provider/s will ensure inclusivity by ensuring the programme can be accessed by all potential participants. It is anticipated that courses will be provided free to participants

Interested parties may access the tender at .

The closing date for tender submissions is 12 Noon,  Friday October 25th.