RIVER DROWES – Monday 1st  to Sunday 7th June 2019.

Water levels continued to fall still further over the week as the dearth of rain continued and the Drowes ran at low summer levels. The gauge on Monday read only 0.41m and had dropped to 0.36m by the end of Sunday.

Despite the low summer levels the good run of grilse continued and the river fished well against the odds with some 55 salmon recorded for the week. These were mainly grilse ranging in size from 2 to 3lb caught by the rods booked into the fishery for the week. They have little choice in choosing river conditions!

There was also another Pink Salmon of 3½lb caught on Friday from the Sea Pools. Anglers are still requested (as elsewhere) to retain any Pink Salmon caught, Tag the fish and hand the fish into the Drowes Fishery Office who will contact IFI. A replacement tag will be provided to replace the one used on the Pink Salmon.

For info/bookings etc. on the Drowes Fishery & Lough Melvin see: http://www.drowessalmonfishery.com/ or Tel: 071 9841055 (8am to 12 noon).

