Lough Beltra has seen a couple of springers landed this week. Rocky Moran got the ball rolling when he landed a lovely fish at the Dock on 25 March. This was followed by another fine salmon the following day caught by Eddie Manthorpe. Eddie got his fish at the Buoy.

Eddie Manthorpe with a lovely fresh fish at the Buoy today
Catch and release
Eddie’s salmon goes back. #CPRsavesfish

Go fishing…

The Glenisland Anglers Co-operative was set up to provide anglers access to salmon and sea-trout fishing on the East side of lough Beltra. Membership of the Glenisland Anglers Co-operative is currently open and the club is actively enrolling new members. Day tickets are also available. For more information see http://www.loughbeltra.com

If you are interested in fishing Beltra West or the Newport river please contact Newport house.