John Fleming skipper of Brazen Hussy II reports from Galway Bay…

Our season has finally kicked off and we have a new power plant in the Hussy. A brand new Iveco NEF boasting 450 horse power which has given us increased range and speed.

Galway Bay

We had our first trip on Saturday and the fishing was fantastic. Plenty of good size pollack and coalies were caught. The fishing was pretty good and our biggest pollack up around 10lbs.


We will also be hitting spurdog in the next couple of weeks. Last year we had our highest number of specimens to date, and we can’t wait to see how the fishing goes this season.

A brace of pollack

We have some weekend availability left in April so don’t hesitate to get in contact.

Go fishing…

To book fishing with John aboard the Brazen Hussy II, give him a call on 087 7571320

A regular day is between 9am- 6pm from either Rossaveal, Spiddal or Galway depending on species being sought after. Fishing on the inshore reefs for pollock, cod, ling, wrasse, conger eel and mackerel can be reached in 10 minutes from departure, while our offshore reef marks are within 45 minutes of departure. Our ground fishing for tope, spurdog, ray, bullhuss, turbot, plaice and the giant common skate can all be reached within the hour which ensures the most amount of time is spent fishing.
The shark season usually starts at the end of June and runs into late October, this is the ultimate angling adrenaline rush with these hard fighting blue and porbeagle sharks all being tagged and released safely.
Package deals available

Address: Baile an tSagairt, Spiddal, Co. Galway.
Telephone: +353 (0)87 7571320

Blue Shark Angling Galway,
Phone John Fleming : +353 (0)87 7571320

Another Pollack