Mark Gannon reports from Courtmac:

The fishing the last few days had been good with Specimen Coalfish for Mark Pattison, Specimen Conger for visiting Dutch angler Nico van Dongen, near Specimen Ling, Blue Shark for Marten Schulz and several other good fish for our anglers. The self drives are doing well on the bass with several fish to 46cm – all catch and release.

A nice wreck Ling for Danny van Dinteren while fishing from the Lady Louise

There have been some fine fish caught recently with some nice Blue Shark, Conger and Bullhuss for our Dutch Clients.

Blue shark tagged and ready to go back
Double hook up

Mark Gannon
Courtmacsherry Angling

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Courtmacsherry Sea Angling Centre 

Courtmacsherry Sea Angling Centre is one of Ireland’s Premier Angling Centres based in the picturesque village of Courtmacsherry located only 30 miles from Cork International Airport on the West Cork coast between the Old head of Kinsale and the Seven Heads peninsula. Our purpose built Sea angling and self drive boats offer the sea angler the ultimate in safety and comfort.Sea Angling in Courtmacsherry produces good results both for the offshore charter angler, the self drive angler for inshore fishing or the wreck enthusiast.
[email protected] 
Telephone: +353 (0)23 8846427 or +353 (0)86 8250905