Declan Gibbons, IFI Galway, reports from the shore of Lough Corrib where trout anglers have had some stunning catches…

Jim McEvoy @ Corrib View Lodge
Jim McEvoy @ Corrib View Lodge

Larry McCarthy of Corrib View Lodge reports of fantastic fishing over the last 10 days. Gareth Jones,  Kieran Jenkins, Tony Cartwright and Matthew Griffiths boated 75 trout over 6 days most of which were caught on buzzer.

Tony Ling @ Corrib View strikes again

On one day alone Gareth and Kieran guided by Larry caught and released 15 trout for over 50lbs a huge average weight.

Tony Ling, Corrib View Lodge
Tony Ling, Corrib View Lodge

Tony Ling fished with Larry and on one day they caught and released 14 fish with a 4lbs average. Most Clients staying at the lodge have reported great buzzer fishing with lots of big trout returned.

Tony Ling @ Corrib View Lodge 2
Another for Tony Ling @ Corrib View Lodge

Mayfly has also produced on windy days with great bags caught in the Annaghkeen and Kilbeg areas. Larry reports that the catches have been excellent and the vast majority of the fish sportingly returned to Lough Corrib.

Tom Doc Sullivan CPR
Tom Doc Sullivan #CPRsavesfish

In the Cornamona area Tom doc Sullivan reports of regular visiting English anglers from Tunbridge Wells in Kent enjoying excellent sport with 6 rods for 6 days landing 63 fish over 13 inches all returned and mainly caught on mayfly and some on buzzer. Two of the group Keith Nicholson and Mick Priest are 29 years coming to Lough Corrib on the trot and were rewarded with excellent fishing.

Mick Priest
Mick Priest with a very unusually spotted Corrib trout

Tom also guided visiting German anglers Florian Franke and George for one day and had 6 fish on dry mayflies all sportingly released with the best fish measuring 50cms. Daniel Harris from France was guided by John Walsh and they had 5 fish to the boat with the best fish being 3lbs on wet mayfly patterns.

Keith Nicholson 29 years coming to Corrib
Keith Nicholson 29 years coming to Corrib

On Saturday next Cornamona & District Anglers host their youths annual mayfly competition and on Sunday next host their Annual Mayfly Competition for further details contact club secretary Eamon Gavin on 087-7785713.

Mayfly Time on Corrib courtsey of Rynes Walker
Mayfly Time on Corrib courtsey of Rynes Walker

In the Oughterard area Basil Shields of Ardnasillagh Lodge 091-552550 reports of excellent fishing on Corrib with guest at the lodge having excellent sport which follows as, David Wilson and Gary McGuire Enniskillen had 16 fish best fish 5.5lbs for their trip to Corrib, Paul Mooney and Trevor Ferguson had 33 fish for 2 days on mayfly best fish 2.25lbs, Jack Kingcade for 1 day had 11 fish all on buzzer best fish 4lbs, Mark Patterson of Loop tackle for 1 day had 6 fish best fish 4lbs, Robin Boyd and Steve Siggers England had 4 fish on wet mayflies with the best fish 3.75lbs, Pat Collins and John Byrd from Cork had 9 fish for their day on Corrib with the best fish being 5.5lbs all on buzzer, Andrew Clay and Colman Couinahan for 1 day had 9 fish best fish 5lbs on buzzer, Stuart Robinson had 7 fish for his trip to Corrib best fish 5lbs and James Lyness had 8 fish for his trip best fish 6lbs 4oz.

Kevin Hehir CPR
Kevin Hehir #CPRsavesfish

Clare anglers Brian Madden and Kevin Hehir enjoyed two excellent days fishing on Corrib last week with numerous fish landed and all sportingly released.

Going Afloat in the International Mayfly Competition Oughterard courtsey of Rynes Walker
Going Afloat in the International Mayfly Competition Oughterard courtsey of Rynes Walker

Thank you to…

Many of this week’s pictures are courtesy of Larry McCarthy, Tom Doc Sullivan http://www.tomdoc  and Rynes Walker – Thank you for sharing!

For more information on fishing Corrib see:

Corrib boat hire:

Florian Franke
Brian Madden CPR
Brian Madden CPR