Frank Maunsell from the Owenmore Fishery reports that as the levels on the river came up on Sunday the fishing improved…

7th July 2021: Even though the water was a bit on the high side we still managed to land 5 grisle and 1 salmon between 2 rods.

There was also a large amount of sea trout traveling, a lot of them were juniors but we did see and catch a few up to 2lbs.

The water should hold good for the next few days and whoever gets on the lakes in suitable conditions should have a field day.

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There are approximately five miles of fly fishing along the main part of the Owenmore River in Kerry, with 33 named pools and an additional 180 acres of lake fishing in this Kerry beauty spot. The salmon, grilse and sea trout begin to run in April. The runs continue through spring and summer into early October.

Telephone: 066 7139408 Mobile: 087 9476309

Email: [email protected]