Vincent Appleby reports from Lough Currane…
24/8/21 Great news to report on the Waterville Hatchery because in the last few months there has been some great work done in upgrading of the hatchery, which will give the Salmon Fry more space and will give these Noble Salmon Fry a better chance of survival in warmer conditions, on that note I would like to on behalf of all the Currane Anglers to congratulate our Chairmen Mr. Michael Roden and his team on the great work their doing in keeping the Waterville Fishery Flag flying. On a personal note, apologise to all the readers of the No Spin No Fly’s Just Facts Zone, due to circumstances beyond my control I couldn’t take any photos this evening because I wasn’t invited, but with any luck we may have some in tomorrow’s notes. I would like to finish on a photo video of the great fishing of the past and with any luck the future. As you can see, we Currane Anglers are trying to pull our act together, it’s about time the government and Europe wake up to the fact that Salmon and Sea Trout is going downhill fast as it is the same with tourist Game Anglers, so here is a perfect click of the past.
Now today’s Fly, Spin, and troll, all quiet on all fronts. Wind East and veered SE light to calm with Bright sunshine all day.
25/8/21 The Currane Anglers had their Sombrero’s on this bright and calm sunny day on Lough Currane, their lines stayed dormant all day. Wind direction light plus you can say it did the ring of Lough Currane.
26/8/21 Sombrero’s take control of the Currane anglers as the sun blazes down on Lough Currane this day. So, one can say no suntan and no rod benders for the Currane anglers. Wind SE light variable light to calm.
27/8/21 The sombrero Anglers weren’t out this day but by all accounts, there was one Currane angler out manipulating his skills, sadly his post and telegraphs were all quiet on the SW front. Wind SW light mainly sunny with reasonable cloud at times for most of the day.
28/8/21 As of yet the Currane report is all quiet and for good reason, the Currane anglers and all of Kerry are mourning the defeat of their Kingdom to the mighty red hand of Tyrone by 3-14 to 0-22 in the semi-final of the All Ireland. All I can say watch this space you never know your luck, sadly Kerry had no luck today and one has to accept Tyrone had the upper hand and good luck to them in the Final against Mayo. Wind SE and veered SW light and very warm with reasonable cloud cover.

29/8/21 The sun was blazing down on the Waterville fishery this day, with the air temperature reaching 25 c. so you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know today’s facts. Wind light and all over the place.
30/8/21 Just one lonesome Currane Angler trolling the waters on the North side of Grassy Island this morning, in a light ESE wind and veered WSW with good cloud cover.
31/8/21 Two boats out, one of the boats was out from [email protected] and by all accounts his manipulations were all quiet on the Western front. Wind light and variable and good cloud cover.
1/9/2021 Just one lonesome Currane angler manipulating the Currane waters this day and I can say all lines were quiet on all fronts, be it fishing lines, landlines, or mobile lines. To all game anglers it’s well worth looking at this link

2/9/2021 There were a few fly anglers on the world-famous Butler Pool and at as of yet did not hear of any fish caught but watch this space. Now we head upstream to Lough Currane and just one boat out manipulating their skills and by all accounts their lines were all quiet on the SW front going by the mobile technology. Wind East light and variable with good cloud cover.
Vincent Appleby
Go fishing…
Vincent Appleby
Eureka Lodge, Caherdaniel West, Co. Kerry.
Telephone: +353 (0) 87 207 4882
E-mail:[email protected]
Find out more about Lough Currane…
The rivers and lakes of Waterville drain a large catchment and are regarded by many as the foremost Salmon and Sea-Trout fishery in the country. The lake system is well developed with access to boats and guides being readily available to the tourist angler. The Sea-Trout caught here are renowned for their size and quantity. For more details see