We are happy to share this piece by Pete Davis on the Irish under-16 shore fishing team that will compete in the World Championships this October. The team are currently practising and working hard on their preparation, and are running a number of fundraising initiatives to cover the high cost of travelling and competing for Ireland. This is an all-island team with members from all communities, and we wish them every success!
Irish Youths on the World Stage
For the first time in 4 years, since Pre-Covid times, the Irish Federation of Sea Anglers are sending a team to compete in the 31st World Championship Shore Angling Youth (U16s) this October in Domburg tucked away in the South Western corner of the Netherlands. Covid wreaked havoc on all manner of sporting events whilst it raged around the planet but thankfully, things seem to be back to normal. It’s fantastic that this bunch of anglers, several of whom will only get one shot at a crack at a U16 world title given the Covid related Hiatus will now get their opportunity to prove themselves on the world stage testing their skills against the best of their peers.
It is a fantastic team that have come through the ranks and qualified for this event. Competitors had to achieve a required standard through a process of assessment and improvement as part of the CAST programme before anglers of the necessary standard competed in a 2 match event in Wexford where places were hard fought over. It has been my pleasure to work at close quarters with most of the team at the last couple of Home Nations events in England and Wales and I can assure you of one thing our U16s are not lacking in ability or application!
How you can help…
We are lucky to have a fine team with a great blend of characters from all parts. I have no doubt whatsoever this bunch will do us proud. Now is the time that I need to ask for your help. This team is self-funded and the cost of this trip for the team, including a week of practise, travel and accommodation will be coming in at around the €20000 mark, so over €3k per angler. We are fortunate to have a team of committed parents and managers behind them but a little support would be greatly appreciated.
If you could take 2 minutes to log into www.idonate.ie/raffle/irishfederationofseaanglers you can purchase raffle tickets at a paltry €5 each to be in with a chance to win some great prizes. Every little helps and every bit of assistance provided will go directly to the team costs.
If anyone would like to discuss corporate sponsorship of some kind this can absolutely be facilitated, drop me a line at [email protected] .
Meet the Team….
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce our team members who will be travelling in October:

Max Roche. Max hails from the sunny South East in Wexford and is something of a force of nature terrorising adults and juniors with equal aplomb on the East Coast beaches. I first met Max a couple of years ago at a leg of the Leinster League in Wicklow, pegged beside himself and his father JJ. I spent the next 4 hours having to run round like a lunatic to try and keep my nose in front as he pulled fish after fish beside me. One look at the results from the past couple of years of Leinster League legs will tell its own story. Max has represented Ireland in the past and packs a serious punch for his age, anyone who has seen Max flinging a lead out to the horizon usually only has one word… How?! Swiftly followed by Wow!

Liam Davis. Liam lives in East Limerick and I am mighty proud to be his dad. This will be Liams first World Championships but the 3rd time he has represented Ireland, competing in the Home Nations in 2022 and 2023 flying the flag for Ireland with huge points hauls in both. Liam is an accomplished shore, boat and salmon angler since a young age. He has had the West Cork and District club members on the ropes on numerous occasions over the past number of years and has long since left me in his wake! Liam is the current Irish U16 shore champ and had the honor of being the holder both the Irish U16 shore and Boat angling trophies at the same time. A quiet, efficient angler with no fuss, quiet but absolutely lethal!

Kaitlyn de Kleer. Kaitlyn comes from Munter Connaught, on the Cavan side of the Cavan/Meath border and it may well be the first time that we have 2 siblings on the same team with her brother Nathan also competing. Kaitlyn also has represented Ireland, not at U16 level but at Ladies Senior level in last years Home Nations in Weymouth aged just 13 where she more than held her own against much more experienced opposition. Kaitlyn competes in other sports, Gaelic Football and Equestrian events to a high level also. A fun loving, bright, positive addition to the team, underestimate Kaitlyn at your peril, she performed brilliantly in the fish offs to qualify.

Nathan de Kleer. Nathan, the elder de Kleer sibling is our 6’ 4 plus Dutch/Irish secret weapon. Nathan has been on 2 Irish Home Nations teams and I have had the pleasure of fishing and working with him on numerous occasions. A holy terror on the GAA field as well as the beach, there would be no one fancying competing for a high ball in midfield against this lad but a pure gentleman with a touch of mischief off the pitch. We are hoping Nate and Kaits Dutch heritage stands to us when it comes to the heat of battle in October. A super angler, utterly focused and committed when he has to be. In qualifying for last years Home Nations, Nathan fished a session in Sligo, hotfooted it back to Cavan, played the full 70 minutes for his club side before hammering back to catch the last hour of the second session and manage enough fish to secure his place. An absolute unit of a young fella who will have no qualms about taking on anyone when match day arrives.

Cameron Gilbert. Cameron comes from Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland and attends Carrickfergus Academy. I had the pleasure of spending time with him whilst he was competing with Ireland in the Home Nations last year in Weymouth. Cameron has won several Ulster U16 titles and this will be his second time pulling on the green jersey. Another of our young anglers that has the adults running for cover at club and open competitions. A quiet unassuming young fella, behind the quiet smile though is a super angler, he will hold his own in the Netherlands, no question about that.

Kai Butler. Kai is another Wexford man, hailing from Duncannon. This will be Kais second time representing Ireland, he made his debut at this years Home Nations in Wales picking up a zone win against some serious competition in his first session as an international angler. Kai performed brilliantly at the fish offs to qualify, particularly in the first session where his ability to consistently pick up fish on a tough day held him in great stead. A touch of the rogue in Kai, he’s the comedian of the group, our Minister of Craic for the trip but a mighty fine angler also. It won’t be the last you hear of this young man.

Wish them well, and if you can spare a couple of quid towards helping them out, the link once again is www.idonate.ie/raffle/irishfederationofseaanglers . We are all part of the greater angling community and we have members on this team from all sides, please support them in their endeavours. We can all help to make this a trip to remember for them and to hopefully bring back the medals they richly deserve.