Damien Culliney of Anglers Paradise was out for a day’s pike fishing on Lough Ree recently with his friend Chris Barry.

The session got off to a slow start with the pike in a negative mood and not impressed with their lures. Sometimes a change in weather can make big difference. A brief shower of hailstones seemed to spur the pike into feeding. No sooner had the hail stopped, than the action began with Chris lifting into a powerful fish that stripped line. As the pike slid into the net and was lifted aboard, a second rod went, and they were in again. This time Damien played the fish to the net. Two fish on board at the same time – 102cms and 103cms.  Quite a brace. To ensure a quick release, only one fish was photographed. In the following 10 minutes another 3 fish were hooked (thankfully not at the same time!). It shows the importance of waiting for that feeding window to occur.  When it happens, action can be fast and furious.

Go fishing…

Anglers Paradise Ireland

Address Crusheen Clare Ireland Mobile Phone: +353 86 060 2718 Website: anglersparadise.ie

big pike