Home Sea angling reports Super shore-caught 163cm tope for Peter Boland

Super shore-caught 163cm tope for Peter Boland


Angler Peter Boland sent us in this report of a great shore-caught 163cm Tope:

I was fishing on Donaghmore Strand, Co. Wexford last Sat, May 11th, in absolutely flat, calm conditions with my friend Brian Healy. He threw out a tope bait and managed to land one of 142cm at about 7.30 p.m. on a squid bait, so I decided to try for one as well. I set up using an up-and-over rig with a wire trace attached to an 8/0 barbless circular hook, a 5-ounce weight and squid as bait. I cast about 70 yards out, and 10 minutes later, the rod bent over. It took me about 10 or 12 minutes to land her although it felt longer. Got her into the margins were we unhooked her. I got a quick photo and then measured her at 163cm. The fish was tagged…Scottish fisheries..Tagshark.com 8165. Judging by her belly, she seemed to be pregnant. Amazing fish.

Peter and angling partner Ben with Peter’s tope