Home Pike Fishing in North Monaghan

    Pike Fishing in North Monaghan


    MAp of north Monaghan

    Monaghan Town and its satellite villages of Emyvale, Glaslough, Scotstown, Ballinode and Tydavet are surrounded by a host of great angling venues, which contain good pike fishing venues to satisfy the expectations of all pike anglers. Among the most popular venues in the area are Glaslough, Quig Lough, Drumreask and Killyboley.

    Peter’s Lake covers less than 1 hectare with depths to 3m. This lake holds good stocks of pike, roach, bream and hybrids. There is excellent parking in the car park off Glaslough Street and on the nearby road.

    Emy Lough is a state fishery which is managed by the Emy and District Angling Club. Fishing by permit only and subject to certain rules and regulations, details of which may be obtained from the club. This lake has good pike stocks (some over 25lbs) and is available for pike fishing by permit only to all members of the public. Fishing is by boat only and it is €35 per day for 1 person and €60 per day for 2 persons.  For further detail on permits and for boat hire contact Paul Gormley 047 87573 or 087 6128259.

    Drumreask Lake, covers an area of 4 hectares with depths to 4m. The lake is reed fringed with a soft shoreline. The best access is on the southern shoreline from the car park or the stands from the road. Drumreask has good stocks pike, bream, roach, rudd, hybrids and tench to over 6lbs.

    Quig Lough, covers an area of 12 hectares with depths to 4.5m. Access is best from the northern end through a large iron gate, which must be kept closed at all times. A number of fishing stands are provided on the eastern shoreline of this reed fringed lake. Quig Lough holds fantastic stocks of pike as well roach, tench, rudd, bream, hybrids and perch.

    Glaslough, is located on the grounds of the Leslie estate in the village of Glaslough. Permission must be obtained from the owners before fishing and details of relevant charges can be obtained from the castle. The lake is renowned for the quality of its pike fishing. It covers an area of 37 hectares with depths to 20m. Both boat and guide services are available. Please contact Castle Leslie for further information: Tel: 00353 47 88109

    Killyboley, Lake covers an area of 6 hectares and contains a stock of pike, tench, rudd, and perch.

    Monmurry Lake covers an area of 10 hectares and contains stocks of pike, bream, rudd, and perch.

    The Rossmore Park Lakes are located in the Coillte Forest Park on the R189 3km southwest of Monaghan town. There are a number of lakes in this cluster with the most popular angling venues being the Twin Lakes, Castle Lake, Priestfield Lake and Barnhill Lake

    Lough Bracken is controlled by Inland Fisheries Ireland with fishing by permit only and subject to certain rules and regulations. This lake also holds some very big pike and several fish over 30lbs are taken annually. Local contact: Ann Finnegan, Athmush, Kilmainhamwood, Co Meath. Tel: 00 353 46 9052115