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    Eanywatery Fishery



    Catch and Release for 2025

    • Salmon and sea trout from 1st April to 30th September.
    • Use of any fish hooks, other than single or double barbless hooks is prohibited.
    • Use of worms as bait in angling for all species of fish is prohibited.
    • Shrimp and Prawn are strictly prohibited


    The Eanywater Fishery is a spate river fishery and forms a part of the 125sq km Eany Catchment area comprising the Eanywater, the lower reaches of the Eanymore and the lower reaches of the Eanybeg. The Eany water is a 5km stretch of water beginning at the confluence of the Eanymore and Eanybeg rivers above Ballymacahill Bridge and flowing into Inver Bay. The river has 30 pools and is tidal up to Hughie’s pool, just below the fish-counter.

    The Eanymore is a 10km stretch of river starting at the confluence of the Struell and Eglish Rivers. It is generally fished on the 7km stretch of the lower reaches developed by the N.R.F.B, from Ballymacahill to Drumboarty Bridge. The Eanymore contains approximately 45 pools.
    The Eanybeg is a 16km stretch of river that rises in the west of the Bluestack’s and is usually fished along the 3km stretch of developed river on the lower reaches.

    The fishery has a small run of spring fish but is noted for its mid-summer runs of grilse, late runs of summer salmon and for sea trout. Fly-fishing is the preferred method on the fishery but spinning and worm are permitted. Shrimp and prawn fishing is prohibited. The most effective spinners are the flying ‘C’ and Toby’s. Popular flies include any of the shrimp flies such as a Bann Special. A size 12 -14 Curry’s Red Shrimp is very effective in low water conditions.

    Eanywater Newsletter

    N.B. Shrimp and Prawn are strictly prohibited.


    • Adult Day permits €30,
    • Juvenile day permits €15,
    • Adult Weekly permits €130,
    • Juvenile Weekly permit €55.

    Available from:

    1. Buy online: https://permits.fishinginireland.info/product-category/donegal/eany/
    2. Owenea Angling Centre, Glenties Hatchery, Glenties, Co. Donegal
      Tel: (074) 9551141
    3. The Village Shop, Ballybrollaghan, Frosses, Co. Donegal.

    Bookings/ Further Information

    Off season information/Bookings (October to April)

    • IFI Ballyshannon, Station Road, Ballyshannon, Co. Donegal.
      Tel: (071) 9851435, or Fax: (071) 9851816.
      Email: [email protected]

    In Season Information/Bookings (1st May to 30th September)

    Eany angling guide