Tag: perch
A cracking Quantum perch for young April in Mullingar wins our Catch of the...
Angling guide Michael Flanagan tells us:
On Sunday last while spinning small Lures on Derravaragh April got a few follows from Perch interested in her...
Perch start to take the bait at Ennell
Angling guide Michael Flanagan was on Ennell last week for a few days and had a few nice pike, plus the Perch are starting...
Perch yourself on Lough Owel for some nice winter fishing.
John Daly and angling pal John Flanagan spent the last day of the trout season chilling out on Owel. The lads trolled with a...
Derravarragh perch thrill young and old
Michael Flanagan reports:
Last week I mentioned some nice perch were taking the bait on Derravaragh, and we have two anglers photographed with beautiful perch...
End of day perch to more than 2lbs on spinners
An avid follower of the Catch of the Week and keen angler got in touch over the weekend with his own big fish story....