Angling club get childrens officers
Members of the Carlow coarse angling club recently attended a Code of Ethics and Child Protection in Sports course ran by the Carlow Sports Partnership. Five members of the club executive committee had already completed the basic Code of Ethics course ran last month in Tullow Co.Carlow as part of a drive to introduce child protection officers into all sports clubs in Ireland. The club decided it was better to have more than one designated Childrens Officer, therefor Gerry mcstraw Chairman and George Quinlan Treasurer went and completed the more comprehensive course to become officially trained Childrens Officers for the Carlow cac.
The locally based angling club have indeed been very active throughout the year completing courses that will better enable the club to function as one of the most active coarse angling clubs in the country. Courses ran by the County Carlow Sports Partnership have been very well recieved by the club and it’s committee and members. The club have had eight coaches trained this year by the Angling Council of Ireland and have ran several six week programmes with the help of the Carlow Sports Partnership, I.W.A. Carlow branch, Rehab Carlow, Inland Fisheries Ireland, Waterways Ireland, Womens groups from Waterford and various other groups and organisations throughout the county and indeed country. There are also five committee members who attended and completed a First aid course ran by the Sports Partnership and Irish Sports Council.
The carlow cac are undoubtabley a new force to be reckoned with within Irish angling circles and keep going from strength to strength and making angling accesible for groups of people irregardless of their social standing or disabilities. If you would like any information regarding the Carlow cac or their activities please do not hesitate to contact Gerry mcstraw on 085 2844566 or visit for more information on the club and their previous endevours.
Representatives of the carlow cac and other Co.Carlow sporting groups at the Childrens Officer training course.

Anglers win Bursary Award
Senior executive committee members of the Carlow Coarse Angling Club attended a recent presentation ceremony at the Carlow County Council chambers to recieve a special Bursary award from the Carlow Sports Partnership. The awards ceremony was attended also by nine other sports groups from in and around Co. Carlow which included Setanta hurling and other sports groups from disiplines such as Boxing, Pitch and Putt and Martial arts amongst others. Gerry mcstraw Chairman Carlow cac, George Quinlan Treasurer Carlow cac and Ian Warburton P.R.O. Carlow cac were on hand to recieve the Bursary award on behalf of the angling club. The Carlow cac recieved the award in recognition of their efforts over the previous year to include disabled anglers into the sport of coarse angling an ever increasing sport within the country as a whole.
The club will use the well recieved Bursary award to buy the much needed equipment to run more programmes for the Irish wheelchair Ass. and Rehab Carlow amongst other groups and organisations next year. Chairman Gerry mcstraw has already entered into talks with the Carlow Sports Partnership with a view to running an eight week programme next April following the success of a six week programme ran this year.
The Carlow Cac would also like to announce that the National Coarse Fishing Federation of Ireland (N.C.F.F.I.) have selected the River Barrow in Carlow town as the venue for the first qualifiers for the 2013 World Cup, Celtic Cup and Feeder teams. The qualifiers will allow local anglers to fish alongside current world and celtic cup grade anglers for the weekend and maybe pick up a few wee tips that will enhance their angling abilities. If you would any information as regards fishing the river Barrow or indeed the Carlow Coarse Angling Club please do not hesitate to contact Gerry mcstraw on 085 2844566 or visit the very popular facebook page carlow cac.
Carlow Coarse Angling Club being presented witha Bursary Award

Pictured: from left,
Tracey Byrne, Carlow Sports Partnership, Chair person.
Gerry mcstraw, Carlow cac, Chairman.
Thomas Kinsella, Carlow County Council, Chairman.
Ian Warburton, Carlow cac, Public Relations Officer.
George Quinlan, Carlow cac, Treasurer.